The mission of any Information Technology department is to help the business meet its goals, which undoubtedly entails having high-quality service for the users.
However, is it possible to know if the IT department is offering an excellent service to its users or not? The answer is yes, it is possible, and IT user satisfaction surveys are a great tool to see the quality of service.
It is of great importance to measure the level of satisfaction of a user of the IT department since it allows us to know first-hand which are the needs that have not been met and the deficiencies in the services offered.
There are various services provided by an Information Technology department, among which are:
- the computer equipment and accessories that the company has assigned the user,
- printing and scanning service,
- Internet service,
- telephone service,
- productivity tools like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, etc., including email, video conferencing, cloud storage, etc.,
- applications, such as ERP systems and other applications,
and mainly, the quality of service provided by IT staff
Often, the corporate IT departments do not know what is with the users of the technology services offered by this department.
And the most common way to measure this satisfaction index is through an automated survey that can be sent randomly to users at a particular time; for example, it can be every month, every quarter, or every semester, depending on the number of users in the organization.
In some cases, these surveys can even be used to determine productivity payments for IT department staff.
For this reason, to guarantee the effectiveness of these surveys, it is very convenient that they are carried out confidentially, avoiding providing the data of the person who has completed the study to the IT staff.
Excellent tools allow us to generate these surveys digitally, such as Google Forms or SurveyMonkey, which already come with predetermined forms and have free or paid options, depending on the needs.
Within the questions, we can put, for example the following options:
Do your computer and accessories well suited for your daily activities?
The IT staff needs to be able to measure and know if the computer equipment assigned to you by the company, and the accessories you require, such as USB memories, cables, etc., fulfill their function adequately and allow you to do your job correctly.
Are the printing and scanning services suitable for your needs?
The printers and scanners assigned to you must allow you to perform your activities correctly for your assigned functions.
Are Internet services adequate in terms of speed and stability for your needs?
Similarly, Internet service is essential today, so it is necessary to have a reliable and fast service.
Do the telephone and cellular services offered by the IT department work adequately regularly?
Telephony is one of the most essential services the IT area can offer. Although it is usually a reasonably stable service, it should be considered part of the survey. Also, here should be viewed as the cell phones the company assigns to specific executives who require them for their daily activities.
Do email and productivity tools like Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One Drive, Teams, etc.) or Google Workspace (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Google Drive, Meet, etc.) allow you to perform your tasks adequately?
It is essential that productivity tools, which are frequently used, allow users to perform their activities in the best possible way.
Are the various applications you use, including the ERP, working and configured properly so that they meet your needs correctly?
Applications are one of the most essential aspects of IT users, and they always offer areas for improvement. It should always look for new ways for applications to meet user needs best.
Do you consider the Information Technology staff cordial and respectful with you when carrying out their work?
IT staff must always, at all times, treat all users with kindness and respect, avoiding at all costs that a personal relationship can affect the employment relationship.
Does the Information Technology department show interest and a collaboration spirit when working with you?
Likewise, we know that Information Technology personnel are often overwhelmed with their work, but that does not mean they should not show interest and a high level of service for all users.
If, at any given time, it is not possible to attend to the request at the time, the IT staff must report the status of the resolution of the problem.
Are your technological needs attended to promptly by the Information Technology area?
We know that computer equipment, over time, gradually deteriorates its performance, mainly due to new software versions that generally demand more significant amounts of resources, such as CPU, memory, hard disk, or Internet bandwidth.
However, it is the responsibility of the Information Technology staff to be permanently aware of the needs of the different users, so that if any equipment no longer fulfills its function adequately, it must be replaced by one with better performance, depending on the tasks that were assigned to the collaborator.
Does the Information Technology staff support and advise you correctly and appropriately when you require approval?
A good level of service implies having the time to advise and explain since sometimes the user requires an explanation or training that allows him to carry out his activities better. IT staff must perforce have and offer that level of service.
Is the Information Technology staff duly trained to offer the solutions you need?
Due to the speed with which technologies change and are updated, the staff that offers support and advisory services must be constantly updated with new technologies and recent technological trends that allow them to provide the best level of service. Possible.
How do you rate the service offered by the Information Technology staff?
Finally, this question summarizes all the previous ones and lets us know the general rating given to IT staff by that particular user.
As for how to distribute the surveys to all the users, considering that asking the same questions every month to all the people may lose its effectiveness, we believe that requesting each user for, let’s say, a survey every three months would be more than enough.
The total number of users would have to be divided among the three months to send a proportional part each month.
Once completed in the surveys, a score can be obtained and measured against the objective established by the information technology department.
In the same way, the deviations, errors, and lack of service that have been offered must be analyzed.
It is a great decision to be able to implement a survey to measure the satisfaction index of the users of the information technology department.
Great courage is required to accept criticism and, at the same time, be able to show the general management the advances, achievements, and shortcomings in the technical area.
If you want to implement a similar strategy to measure the satisfaction rate, please get in touch with us; we can help.